
Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Working with Windows - Quick view

MS DOS was the most popular operating system chosen for IBM PC. IBM'S version of DOS was called IBM - DOS or PC - DOS.
Press Shift + Del, to delete files / folders permanently. 
To copy multiple files and folders, press and hold down the Ctrl key and click on the files to be copied. The files will be selected. Now you can copy them.
To rename a file/folder, right - click on it and select Rename option from the shortcut menu. Type the new name and press the Enter key.
To select a consecutive group of files, click on the first file. Hold down the Shift key and click on the last file.

Fill in the blanks
1. MS Windows is an - (Operating System)

2. To customize the desktop, right - click on the blank area and select the - option. (Properties)

3.A - is like a container in which we can store similar types of file. (folder)

4. - are the graphical images that give a quick access to the related application. (icons)

5. - gives you a complete view of the available drives and their contents. (My computer)

6. We can restore the deleted files from the - (Recycle Bin)


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